Sean: Write my report
UPDATE 1206pm. The old ladies are done talking politics and are now planning a trip to Red Lobster as though it were the invasion of Normandy. Life is too complicated.
I've only been here an hour but I think it's time for my lunch break already. Big day for me. I got a hot tip about some jeans that fell off a truck and I intend to capitalize on this.Really wish I could listen to my ipod.
UPDATE 444pm: Well, this is boring. Want to see what I look like right now?
Then we went to Graywhale where I found about a dozen records I wanted to get. Ended up with Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War. Great album. After that we stopped by a gallery to see work by a locally bred artist named Lindsay Frei. I really like her stuff. Especially these pieces:Someone should buy these and give them to me. Seriously, you've been reading this blog for free for almost a year now. It's time to start giving back.
Friday night was Crafts Night. Remember that from a couple weeks ago? Not much crafts happening this time. Sort of inspired by Lindsay Frei, I drew this:Still needs a lot of work., but so far I'm happy with it.
My friend Erin made some cool stuff out of paper.
Late into the night the Craft Party stragglers went to Dee's circa 1986.
Someone jokingly suggested downing a shot of syrup, and some idiot thought it would be a good idea.Two other fellas did it too but it took me the longest. I guess I should be embarrassed by that? Anyway, gross. Have you ever swallowed a tiny carafe of lukewarm maple syrup? It's pretty horrible. Like drinking... lukewarm maple syrup.
Do you pronounce it "sir-up" or "seer-up"? I pronounce it sir-up.
Saturday was a great day, and it was also clear and sunny and warm. Saw a Sundance flick called Fear(s) of the Dark. It's a collection of animated shorts from France. So creepy. And when I say "so creepy" I mean like, really really really creepy. It was pretty awesome. Like nothing I've ever seen before.
Went for Sushi at Ichiban, which was a good choice. That's my favorite sushi place. Almost didn't make it there due to an impulsive decision based solely on convenience. Luckily I was talked out of it.
Across from Ichiban is a grafitti house called the 337 Project. It's a building set to be torn down in April but in the meantime it's a canvas for grafitti artists. I wish I'd taken pictures but had forgotten my camera. Maybe I'll head over there on my lunch break one of these days.
Saturday night I got all hopped up on coffee and saw Gone Baby Gone. Good movie. I've always liked Casey Affleck but didn't realize he could be such a convincing badass. Oh! Oh! And Omar from the Wire had a small role in it (see previous post). When he showed up I couldn't help but shout "Omar!"
Morgan Freeman was in it too. I don't think he should be in any more movies. Sure, he's one of the finest actors of this or any generation, but he's just gotten too Morgan Freemany.
Not much going on Sunday. Watched Orangutan Island, listened to my new record, and worked on the neverending basement cleaning project at my mother's house. In doing so I found a slap bracelet. Remember those? I think they were big in... 1991. Yeah that's right. In 5th grade the class did a Secret Santa thing and I drew this girl Madi's name. Everyone was all "Ew, Madi!" but I actually had a big crush on her, as did all the other boys. I gave her a pair of slap bracelets that I bought at some store upstairs at the Cottonwood Mall. Fascinating. Anyway, slap bracelet!