Sunday, September 19, 2010

where we're going we don't need-

I can't sleep so I'm making a list of celebrated thoroughfares. Did I miss any?

Route 66
The Autobahn
Champs Ellysees
Sunset Blvd
Carnaby St.
The Crooked One in San Francisco
Haight-Ashbury (disqualified since it's a corner of two streets)
Wall St.
Sesame Street
Picabo Street
The Pacific Coast Highway
Rodeo Drive
Las Vegas Blvd
Abbey Road
The E Street Band
Bourbon Street
The Appian Way
The Road to Damascus
Baker Street (saxophone part only)
The Long and Winding Road
Mike Skinner
The Trail of Tears
The Ho Chi Minh Trail
Madison Avenue
Pennsylvania Avenue
Cormac McCarthy's The Road
The Road Less Traveled
Holiday Road
8 Mile


Park Avenue (love Green Acres. Could probably come up with five more just from NYC)
Mulholland Drive
The Silk Road
Oregon Trail (texted to my e-mail from a Vegas number? Who sent that? Either way, good one)
Hiiiiiighway to the Dangah Zone


  1. Park Avenue! It's in the Green Acres theme song, "Darlin' I love you, but give me Park Avenue."

  2. what about the silk road?

  3. Thanks! Keep them coming, if you have any.

  4. *We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue.
    *The street where you live.
