Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Review

(spoiler alert)


  1. I think all reviews should be done this way.

  2. this is quite possibly the most depressing blog entry i have ever read. wait, no not "read" ... "seen"? um, "watched"? at any rate i a really sorry it torpedoed. i know how excited you were to see it.

  3. well that'll save me 7 or 8 dollars (US)

  4. Wait, I sense a double entendre, clutching at your skull like that. Is that your best distressed Harrison impersonation? Do we have to actually see the movie in order to "get it"?

  5. Astute observations, but sadly no. Just a lousy movie.

  6. i have heard nothing but horrible reports about this movie. what a disappointment.

  7. After reading (?) reviews like this, I went in with even lower expectations and left somewhat entertained. I guess it was worth the price of a ticket to hear the Raiders March during the credits. Damn that George Lucas! (shakes fist)

  8. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - the fourth installment in the series - manages to wallop a few popcorn punches during its 124 minute running time.   Too bad those punches seem pulled throughout.
