So, I'm 30 now. Which is really no big deal and in fact anyone reading this born before May 27, 1980 has already achieved this milestone. But I want you all to be aware of this because it seems important.
Funny thing is, I thought I was above all of the angst of getting older, but turns out I'm not. I will never be referred to as a wunderkind or boy genius, but on the other hand it's nice to get it over with. I guess.
I said it elsewhere, but really my greatest accomplishment in life is amassing some pretty great friends. For my birthday I was lucky to be surrounded by almost all my closest chums, my inner circle, my loyal cadre. We went to the Bees game which as you know if you've ever so much as glanced at this blog is one the best things to do.
Look at all these tickets!
The weather was threatening to destroy everything but luckily the rain clouds cleared out in time and made for an amazing twilight.
Anyway. Good birthday.
This classic Classic Cleaners sign has shown up on the blog before but here's a fresh picture. Oh man that sign looks so good!
That Saturday I went to a wedding and, as usual, upstaged the bride.

Sunday. Long drive, for this:
The Utah Ren Faire took over a farm or field or fairgrounds or something up near Ogden. There was a lot going on there. I thought this looked cool.
There were knights there (though not true, landed knights. Merely sell swords and free riders) doing melon slicing demonstrations and telling bad jokes in half-assed accents.
Alright, here's the problem with the Renaissance Faire: it wasn't particularly "fun" or "awesome." But it also wasn't quite ridiculous enough to be enjoyed ironically either. I consider myself a Sincerest more than an Ironist, but I do get a kick out of ridiculocity as well. All I got from this was a sunburn atop my newly-shorn dome. Should have worn a hat.
You know, Martin Scorsese directed his first movie at age 30. I'm expecting big things from myself this year. Long weekend coming up. Maybe I'll finish up my novel. The prologue is done, so things are really rolling now.
next entry: desolation! dead miners! GRANDEUR!