Tuesday, November 4, 2008

don't do too much glue, or your life sucks

Remember this?

chck-ih-chck-chck, chck-ih-chck-chck, chck-ih-check it out.

I handed out candy to the lil' tykes, and I was shocked (SHOCKED!) to see how much they love Jolly Ranchers and Smarties. I'd hold out a bucket filled with all manner of Butterfinger and Snicker, but the kids would root around in there for Jolly Ranchers and Smarties. The sad thing is the Smarties were actually Smartie shaped Sweet Tarts. Which is strange because I have three pounds of Smarties saved in the basement for emergencies. I don't even like Smarties.

Halloween yeah. Weird night. This boss guy Hinkman sent me to the land of Thieves and Ghosts to sign a big client, and the client ended up being a dracula. Also there was pizza and a huge dog (likely a dire wolf). I might be remembering that wrong. I think Becky has a more accurate account on her thing. Also of note is that I made the best joke in the world. The one joke to rule them all. It shall not be repeated.

This blog is non-linear. So let's go back to Wednesday, when I saw the World Champion trampolining team perform surrounded by a Jazz game.

These guys are in the Guinness Book of World Records. Up and down they go, bound only by the limits of gravity and imagination.

Saturday I experienced laughs, unconventional chili, and excessive Rice Krispie treats. Then I stopped by the noise hole and saw a Band of Actuals and ran into Ashley >>>>> and Iris >>>>>. Which leads me to my next point.

You see, I can't go anywhere without running into Friends of Microsuede. That makes me an internet celebrity. As a celebrity, the one thing I care about more than anything is that you vote. I'm going to be all forceful about it, just like my pals Harry Ford and Shilo LaBeuf and Billy Ripken. VOTE! IF YOU DON'T VOTE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WALK THIS EARTH!

You probably know who I'm supporting for President. You may think your vote doesn't count here in Utah (you're right). However, if you're an Obama supporter you still need to vote. He won't get our five electorals, but you can still make a statement. I'm so excited to vote for Obama that I'm going to wake up early. Me! Early! If you're a McCain supporter you should vote too, because voting rules and you get a sticker.

Also, I'd like to take this time to officially endorse the Zoo and the Aviary. I don't remember the names of the propositions, but you should definitely vote for them. Or against them. Whichever one helps the Zoo and Aviary. I'm not sure if there's anything on the ballot regarding the Leonardo, but if there is you should probably vote for that too. Maybe write it in. Go team.


  1. i will vouch for your joke being the one joke to rule them all. and i also will not repeat it.

  2. I really wanted you to have gone to see championship trampolinists just because, not for some silly Jazz game. Harumph.

    PS... you know how blogspot word verification is usually just a random bunch of letters? The one it's asking me for right now is "badmen". How awesome is that?!

  3. yeah, great costume. I'm curious, what/who did people think you were?

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